Major Novice A Tryouts, News, Major Novice A, 2018-2019, Rep (Woolwich Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2018-2019 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Apr 28, 2018 | Curtis McFadden | 1316 views
Major Novice A Tryouts


Welcome to the 2018-19 Major Novice "A" tryouts.   

My name is Curtis McFadden and I will be the Head Coach for the upcoming season.

Prior to arrival players must be registered for hockey and must have purchased a "tryout pass" from WMHA (no cash will be accepted at the registration table).   

Our first skills evaluation tryout will be on Sunday, April 29th @ 2:00pm on Snyder ice pad at Woolwich Memorial Complex.  Please continue to check the website regularly, as tryout dates or times may change. Registration table will be open shortly after 1pm.  Upon arriving, all players must check in at the registration table to receive their assigned jersey, which will need to be returned at the end of the tryout. Also, ensure you receive a "Tryout Letter" when checking in.  Players should be dressed and ready 10 minutes prior to our ice time to allow for introductions and to set expectations. All players are reminded to have fun, work hard and try their best.

Those who do not continue in the process are encouraged to attend the AE tryouts - please see the website for tryout dates and times. Should you have any questions or concerns,  I can be reached via email at [email protected]
I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow,

 Curtis McFadden

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