Oct 11, 2013 | Jasmine Roth | 1703 views
Arena Addresses
Here is a list of the arenas and address that we will be playing at through out the year.
- Acton (Main): Acton Arena & Community Centre (Main Pad), 415 Queen St, Acton, ON, L7J 2L8 (map)
- Hillsburgh Community Centre: Hillsburgh Community Centre, 95 Trafalgar Rd., Hillsburgh, ON, N0B 1Z0(map)
- JL Grightmire Market Street Arena: JL Grightmire Market Street Arena, 35 Market St S, Dundas, ON, L9H 3B3 (map)
- Karl Homuth Arena: Karl Homuth Arena, Cambridge, ON
- MSC (D): Milton Sports Centre (Pad D), 605 Santa Maria Blvd, Milton, ON (map)