Initiation & Pre Novice Program, News, Local League (Woolwich Minor Hockey)

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Organization | Aug 23, 2016 | Tracey Williams | 3687 views
Initiation & Pre Novice Program

Start Up and Scheduling Information

We have been receiving many calls and emails to the Hockey Office, concerning our Initiation & Pre-Novice Programs. We are hopeful this article will help Parents understand the schedule and the initial start up for each of these programs; particularly where to locate this information on our website. 


Our Initiation Program are for those players born in 2011 or earlier. 

The start up of this Program begins as follows:

1) On September 17, 2016, there will be two x 1 hour sessions for our Initiation Players - your player will only attend ONE of these sessions, based on the first letter of their last name. **CORRECTION: This post originally had the start up date of September 18th - it should be September 17th**

Click here for the schedule. (Tip: Ensure you click Next to see the month of September!)

2) These sessions will be run by our Coaches and Conveners - there will be Coaches on the ice evaluating the players' skill level and Coaches off the ice evaluating the players' skill level. The goal behind the evaluations are to form two "teams" that are a made up all of all levels of skill, equally; 

3) After this initial skate on September 18, 2016, you will be contacted by a Coach/Convener who will let you know what team you are on - our team names (named after our Sponsors) are "Initiation-Good" and
"Initiation - Waters" (that's how they will appear in the schedule); and

4) Our Initiation Players are on the ice 2 x's per week - on Wednesday afternoons and Saturday mornings. You can access the schedule by clicking on this link:

Click here for the Initiation Schedule. 

Again - you will not know the team you are on yet. That information will be provided to you AFTER the initial skates on September 18th. 


Our Pre Novice Program is for our Players born in 2010. 

The start up program begins as follows:

1) On September 17, 2016, there will be two x 1 hour sessions for our Pre-Novice Players - your player will only attend ONE of these sessions, based on the first letter of their last name. You can access that schedule here:

Click here for the Pre-Novice Schedule(Tip: Ensure you click Next to see the month of September!)

2) These sessions will be run by our Coaches and Conveners - there will be Coaches on the ice evaluating the players' skill level and Coaches off the ice evaluating the players' skill level. The goal behind the evaluations are to form two "teams" that are a made up all of all levels of skill, equally; 

3) After this initial skate on September 17, 2016, you will be contacted by a Coach/Convener who will let you know what team you are on - our team names are Pre Novice #1 and Pre Novice #2; and

4) Our Pre-Novice Players are on the ice 2 x's per week - on Friday afternoons and Saturday mornings. You can access the schedule by clicking on this link:

Click here for the Pre-Novice Schedule

Please remember - you will not know the team you are on yet. That information will be provided to you AFTER the initial skates on September 17th. 

If you have any questions about either the Initiation Program or the Pre-Novice Program, please contact our VP of Development, Rob Hall by email at: [email protected]

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