May 05, 2019 | Jamie Rozema | 1167 views
Woolwich Wildcats PeeWee AE Tryouts
Welcome to the 2019-2020 PeeWee AE tryouts.
My name is Jamie Rozema and I am excited to be the head coach for the 2019/20 season. Our first tryout ice time is Monday, May 6th, 6:30pm at the Woolwich Memorial Center. All tryout dates are posted on the WMHA Tryout Schedule.
Prior to arrival at the first tryout, players must be registered for hockey and must have purchased a “tryout pass” from WMHA. Tryout passes can be purchased online or via cheque at the tryout desk (no cash accepted at the door). Upon arrival at the first tryout, players must report to the sign in table to receive their assigned jersey, which will be returned at the end of each tryout. Also, please ensure you receive a tryout letter for further information about the tryout schedule, process and required commitment for the upcoming season.
Players are to be dressed and ready to go on the ice 10 minutes prior to each tryout so coaches can give proper instructions to the players beforehand. I encourage each player to have fun and put forth their best effort throughout the tryout process.
Those players invited back to continue in subsequent tryouts will be posted on the PeeWee AE website under "Tryout Player List" and will be password protected.
If you have any questions, I can be reached at 519-577-7639 or [email protected].
Thanks for your interest in playing for the PeeWee AE team. Work hard, have fun, and I'll see you at the rink!