Dec 30, 2019 | Brett Bickerton | 2648 views
PeeWee A wins Gold in Brantford
The PeeWee A Wildcats traveled to Brantford this weekend for the 50th Annual Wayne Gretzky Tournament. The team finished the round robin in first place with a 3 and 1 record beating Brantford, Burlington Blue and Hespeler. Their only loss came against the Cambridge Hawks, Friday, falling 4-1.
The boys played Cambridge again in the semis on Sunday afternoon and earned a thrilling come from behind, 4-3 overtime win. That set up final with a talented Whitby team on Sunday night at the Gretzky centre. The boys battled hard and came up with a 1-0 win and the tournament title. Congratulations to the boys and coaches on a great tournament!