Aug 02, 2022 | Tracey Williams | 777 views
ATTENTION: 2010, 2011, 2012 & 2013 PLAYERS
ATTENTION: U10(BORN: 2013),U11(BORN: 2012),
U12(BORN: 2011)&U13(BORN: 2010) PLAYERS
Woolwich Minor Hockey's intention and goal is to field 2 (two) representative teams at the U11 and U13 age categories.
Specifically, we would like to field 1 x "A team" and 1 x "BB team" (formerly "AE") at each of the U11 and U13 divisions.
Unfortunately, at this time, we do not have enough registrants to do so and are looking at possibly only being able to field an "A" team at each age division.
If you have not yet registered but intend to do so, this is a friendly reminder to please consider registering as soon as possible and encouraging, any and all friends and past teammates to do the same.
The details on registration (cost, information and registration link), can be found HERE.
Any questions about registration, can be sent via email to: [email protected].
Any questions concerning our representative programming, can be sent via email to,
Tracey Williams at: [email protected].
Thank you!