2017-2018 Woolwich Memorial Tournament Registration, Woolwich Memorial Tournament, 2017-2018 (Woolwich Minor Hockey)

This Tournament is part of the 2017-2018 season, which is not set as the current season.
2017-2018 Woolwich Memorial Tournament Registration

2017-2018 Woolwich Memorial Tournament Registration

Completing this form is the first step in registration for the Woolwich Memorial Tournament. You must follow this registration information with payment and payment must be confirmed by WMHA for a complete registration. 

Registration Information

The registration fee is $1,050. An online payment option is offered after you click the Submit Form button.

If you are paying by cheque, please make cheque payable to: Woolwich Fall Memorial

Mail your cheque to:  Brandon Brubacher | 18 Brookmead Street | Elmira ON | N3B 3L8
If you have any questions, please contact Brandon Brubacher at brandon.brubacher@hotmail.com

Team Information

Head Coach Contact Information

Manager Contact Information

Primary Email

All tournament information will be directed to this email address


There are two payment options: to pay online, submit the form, and then complete payment using Paypal (you do not need a Paypal account to use your credit card to pay). Alternatively, you can mail a cheque to WMHA. Registration is confirmed only when payment is received and acknowledged by WMHA.

By checking this agreement box, the team manager, on behalf of his team, releases the sponsors of the above named tournament, its officials, arena management and all involved in the tournament from any liability for any injury or accident which may be incurred by any player or team official while participating in and/or travelling to or from the said tournament and accepts all decisions of the tournament as final.
 **No cancellations -- we will attempt to replace your team with another team**