- The Initiation Program U7 (IP4, IP5 & IP6) U8 and U9 are designed to scale the game of hockey down for younger kids.
- As kids get older, the size of the playing surface scales with them. From Cross Ice, to Half Ice to Full Ice.

Q: Who establishes the rules and guidelines?
A: Hockey Canada and the OMHA establishes rules and guidelines for associations like WMHA to follow. More information is available on the OMHA U9 & Below site.
Q: Will U9 (Age 8) be playing full ice?
A: Effective 2019-20 - Game play for the U9 age-group (8 year-olds) will be Half-Ice during the first half of the season and transition to Full-Ice during the second half of the season.
Q: What happened to Tyke?
A: Tyke is now known as U9.
Q: How do you divide the ice?
A: WMHA invested in a board system (shown in the picture) that divides the ice in half. It gives each section the unique feel of a complete playing surface. For some instances, foam dividers are also used.
Q:Will my child play a particular position?
A: Every child will have the opportunity to player every position to enhance their skill and understanding of the game.
Q: How many days a week?
A: IP4 and IP5 will have two ice times a week. IP6 will have two ice times a week and allowed to go into three (3) jamborees starting in January. Refer to the OMHA U7 Seasonal Structure

Q: Do you tryout and when?
A: There are no tryouts for U7 programming. Selections/evaluations will be held to tier U8MD and U9MD. They will be in September but check the WMHA website often for dates and times. Please note residency restrictions apply for MD programming. Players must reside in Woolwich to participate programming.
Q: Am I required to volunteer?
A: You do not need to volunteer but volunteers are always welcome.
Q: Am I required to fundraise?
A: Each team will decide what they want to do as as far as fundraising.
Q: Is there travel for games?
A: Travel depends on the jamborees the team chooses to go in. Travel time for games/exhibition may vary from thirty (30) minutes to one (1) hour on average. It will also depend on teams that are within our league.
Q: When does the season start and end?
A: The season starts in September and ends in March.
Q: Are there referees?
A: IP4, there is no game play, all ice time is development. IP5/IP6, the coaches will referee the game. Minor U9 there will be one (1) referee per game. Jamborees will like have referees but this will depend on the host.
Each age group will have a convener:
For questions regarding U9 and below programming please contact our VP of U9 and Below,
Sal Abate.