Jersey Loan Agreement
By signing below, I hereby acknowledge receipt of the above hockey jerseys and the value thereof ($200 each). I further agree to be responsible for the safe keeping of the said jerseys, and to surrender them to the WMHA on or before the return date of April 30, 2024. I agree not to remove the jerseys from my custody without the consent of the WMHA, and to ensure they are used solely for minor hockey game purposes and not abused or altered in any way. I further agree to regularly clean the jerseys and to always use a garment bag specifically designed to transport and store jerseys.
In the event the jerseys are lost, stolen, or for any reason cannot be delivered to WMHA upon request, I agree to pay the value thereof approved by the Equipment Manager ($200 for each jersey).
Jersey's are to be used for ICE HOCKEY ONLY.
Once submitted, you will be sent an email to the email address provided above as your record of agreement.