2021-2022 Team Staff Application (Woolwich Minor Hockey)

2021-2022 Team Staff Application

Personal Information

Please provide all pertinent information for Head Coach, Assistant Coach, Trainer, Manager and On Ice Helper positions.


Please provide information on your playing and coach history including education/certification.

Team Requested

Note: Applications for AE Teams will remain confidential until A teams are chosen unless the coach selected is a non-parent.



I agree, that if selected, I will upgrade my coaching certification as requested by WMHA, attend all coach meetings, and provide a Police Vulnerable Sector Check.  I understand that the Coaching Selection Committee may contact other members of WMHA and other associations concerning this application. I  agree to familiarize myself with and abide by the WMHA Code of Conduct. 

I agree to familiarize myself with Hockey Canada’s National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) requirements for coaching minor hockey and ensure that I maintain the required level of certification.  I will accept any judgment of the WMHA for my failure to abide by the Hockey Canada, OMHA and WMHA Constitution, By-Laws, Policies, Procedure, Rules, Regulations, Guidelines and Codes of Conduct, which may include suspension or removal from the Coach position.  

I agree to familiarize myself with and follow the WMHA Discipline & Dispute Resolution Process and agree to abide by any decisions by the WMHA executive resulting from the application of this process.  I acknowledge that I may be removed from any coaching position assigned by the WMHA at any time at the sole discretion of the WMHA. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the WMHA for my failure to abide by WMHA, OMHA, and/or Hockey Canada guidelines.

I support the WMHA’s philosophy of player development and will respect all players, team officials, on ice officials, parents, WMHA Executive and will strive to create a positive environment. I understand that it is at the sole discretion of WMHA whether or not to proceed with the application process. I agree that the decisions of the WMHA Coach Selection Committee are final and I hold the Committee, the WMHA, and/or any other governing body harmless for the decision.

I agree that my application is not part of a "consortium". For purposes of this application, a "consortium" is defined as 2 or more individuals applying for the same team in order to monopolize the team and if one is successful, they appoint the other applicant(s) as part of their staff.

I understand that all information I have provided is to be considered true and I understand that submitting any false information may lead to the application becoming void or if my application is successful, it may result in immediate dismissal as a coach, referee, or volunteer within the WMHA.