This season continues to offer us unique situations however we will continue to offer hockey this season as long as its safe to do so based on guidance from PHU and OMHA. There have been many questions regarding league fees and whether we will be refunding hockey registrations due to covid-19’s impact on our season.
If we return to lockdown and the result is a shortened season, we will apply the balance of unused registration fee’s (plus rep fees) as a credit to next year’s players registration.
If you decide to voluntarily withdraw a player from this season we will not be offering refunds based on our refund policy (link). We understand this may frustrate some of you, however we’ve made this decision to protect our league and those players who want to continue this season. This decision was not made lightly, but if we allowed refunds we will negatively be impacting team’s ability to cover ice costs which could lead to dismantling teams and/or forcing players to end their seasons.
If a player is unable to participate as a result of illness or injury for the entire balance of the season an application can be made to the executive for involuntary withdrawal based on a doctors note. The balance of unused registration fee’s (plus rep fee) will be credited towards next year’s players registration.
If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to your coaches.