Hockey is Back!, News (Woolwich Minor Hockey)

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Feb 20, 2021 | Mike Stiles | 1044 views
Hockey is Back!
Today, the league has decided to return to hockey!

The Township will have ice available for teams starting Feb 26th through May 31st.  Our initial schedules will go until April 9th. As we approach the beginning of April we will evaluate whether to continue hockey beyond April 9th or if we will conclude our season on April 9th. We’ll share updates on continuing hockey beyond April 9th as often as we can.


We are working with the Township to quickly create ice schedules for each team hoping to secure the similar schedules as we had prior to the lockdown. Coaches will share ice schedules as soon as they are available and they’ll be posted on our website.


We will be returning to hockey in the Red Zone, which means only 10 participants per ice pad, 1 parent/guardian, no dressing rooms, scrimmages or games. If at any point we return to lockdown between now and April 9th, we will unfortunately end our season and turn our focus to the upcoming 2021-2022 season.


If you’re not sure you want to return to hockey, we understand, the situation is far from normal please reach out to your coach as soon as you can.


PHU restrictions for returning to hockey in Red:

·       only 10 participants per ice pad (excluding coaches, instructors, etc.)

·       1 parent/guardian per U18 participant is permitted, and is not included in the 10 participant number, no siblings will be allowed entrance into the facility

·       No dressing room usage

·       No scrimmages or games permitted
Only skills and drills training would be permitted

·       No contact permitted in team sports

·       Names and contact information of all participants need to be recorded and kept for a minimum of 30 days as noted above

·       Anyone entering a facility must complete a Digital Health Check

o   Sportsheadz has recently released Mobile Apps:
           Apple - App Store
           Android - Google Play

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to your coach and please watch for information posted on our website as we continue to work with the Township to adhere to safety protocols and get teams back on the ice.  

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