4 on 4 Refunds, News (Woolwich Minor Hockey)

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Apr 01, 2020 | Barry Keen | 1003 views
4 on 4 Refunds
Refunds will be issued by May 31. We apologize for the inconvenience, but the logistics of a refund this size has been challenging during the pandemic. We will post a cheque pickup time and dates when arrangements have been confirmed. Also, we have been in discussion with the Township about possibly still having 4on4 in late summer, around Aug. 17-Sept 4th. Of course, no one really knows what will happen at this point, so there are no solid plans. Keep checking the website for updates and stay safe!

Elmira Lions Club
Lions meet the needs of local communities and the world every day because we share a core belief - to serve our community. Lions provide and support sight conservations efforts throughout the world. Lions serve youth through scholarships, mentoring, recreation, and personal development opportunities. Lions help during disasters by providing for immediate needs and aiding in long-term reconstruction. Lions do all of this and more.
Bridgeland Terminals Ltd
Locally owned tank truck carrier specializing in the transportation of hazardous and heat sensitive chemicals.
AMI Attachments Inc.
Manufacturer of heavy equipment attachments for the construction and mining industries