Attention Minor Peewee Parents (2008) - Concussion Information Session Sept 21 2019 at 10am
WMHA has made the decision to no longer require it’s player to do baseline concussion testing. Recent evidence from concussion research does not support a significant added benefit of baseline testing in athletes.
Although we are not doing baseline testing, and with the advent of
Rowan's Law, WMHA is invested in concussion education and training for its membership. Last year, players and parents in PeeWee and above went through a detailed information session on concussions hosted by
Dr. Pat Bishop who has dedicated his research to the effects of concussions and head injury prevention.
It has been found that on-ice incidents resulting in concussion symptoms seem to start increasing in the Minor PeeWee year. Minor Peewee is also a good age for players to start understanding and practicing the safety concepts discussed by Dr. Bishop. With this in mind WMHA has decided that going forward all players and at least one parent of players in their
Minor PeeWee year will be required to attend a concussion information session. This should ensure that all players and parents have gone through this education and will provide them with tools on how to recognize a concussion and what steps to take if your child is diagnosed with one. Players themselves will learn the importance of being actively aware of keeping their head safe, and techniques on how to help minimize head injuries.
Parents and players at the IP, Novice, and Atom level will not be required to attend this session until they reach Minor Peewee level. While Major Peewee and above are not required as they received the information last year, you are welcome to join us if you missed it last year or would like a refresher.
This year the information session will be held on Saturday September 21st at 10:00am in the Community Room at the Woolwich Memorial Centre. The session will be approximately an hour in length.
You can find more information about the baseline testing decision
If you have any questions please feel free to email me at
[email protected]
Kristy Allen
Director - Player Safety Committee