Nominations for Executive positions, News (Woolwich Minor Hockey)

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Mar 26, 2019 | Brett Bickerton | 1062 views
Nominations for Executive positions
WMHA is now accepting nominations for Executive positions to be voted on at the Annual Meeting. Volunteers are the lifeblood of any association and WMHA is no different. Please consider volunteering your time at the Executive level to grow the game we all love in Woolwich.

The following positions are open for nominations:
  • President
  • Vice-President, Local League Teams
  • Vice-President, Representative Teams
  • Treasurer
  • Directors (7)
To qualify for these positions, the following requirements must be met:
  • President - must have served at least 2 years on the Executive
  • Vice-Presidents - must have served at least 2 years on the Executive OR Local League Convenor OR Representative Coach (or in some combination of the above)
  • Treasurer - A background in finance is preferred. Must reside within the Woolwich Minor Hockey catchment area
  • Directors - must reside within the Woolwich Minor Hockey catchment area
Executive members are expected attend monthly meetings and be involved in a variety of committees to assist in the operation of the Association (averaging 20+ hours per month). 

If you are interested, please complete the Volunteer Application Form and select "Executive" as the type of opportunity and provide some detail on what position you would like to be considered for.

Positions will be voted on at the Annual Meeting scheduled for May 15th, 8pm at the Woolwich Memorial Centre - Community Room.

Any questions can be directed to [email protected] .
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