Exceptional Player Movement, News (Woolwich Minor Hockey)

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Feb 04, 2019 | Kurt Wilkie | 1287 views
Exceptional Player Movement
WMHA has developed a process on how to handle Minor Atom and above player requests to play with an older team while meeting requirements from Hockey Canada and the OMHA.

The criteria for a player to move up is that they must currently be in the TOP 3 of this year’s team and then in the following tryout be “clearly in the  TOP 3” of the older team.

  1. Complete the Exceptional Player Movement Application by February 10th. A $150 non-refundable assessment fee is required.
  2. The current coaching staff will be approached by the VP of Rep to see where they would rank the player to ensure they are in the top 3 of their team.
  3. An independent group will evaluate the player during the current season’s playoffs. 
  4. At this point the parents will be contacted with the results.
  5. Players will once again be evaluated by the independent group only this time during the first tryouts with the older teams.

At any point if the criteria is not met, the player will not move on to the next step.


Any questions can be directed to the VP of Rep.

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