Information Regarding Novice AE Tryouts, News (Woolwich Minor Hockey)

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Aug 01, 2018 | Kurt Wilkie | 942 views
Information Regarding Novice AE Tryouts
All Tyke players (7 years of age) are welcome to attend the September tryouts for our Novice AE team. Hockey Canada has strict guidelines, delivered to their Member Partners (ie - OMHA)  surrounding programming for our players 8 years old and younger. 

The WMHA is mandated to follow these guidelines and interpret them within given parameters. Our hope is to allow a limited number of 7 years olds to play with our Novice AE but we are restricted on how many can be part of our team; therefore, during the tryout process, Tyke players will be evaluated by the coach and the VP of Rep, to determine if he or she meets the skill abilities of the team. If you have any questions please contact WMHA VP of Rep, Kurt Wilkie at [email protected]
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