Registration Reminder - May 31st, News (Woolwich Minor Hockey)

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May 30, 2018 | Tracey Williams | 1127 views
Registration Reminder - May 31st
The deadline to qualify for our "early" registration fee is fast approaching. 

Registration Reminder

Please note, the deadline for our "Early" Registration is 11:59pm, EST on Thursday, May 31st, 2018. You must register by this date/time in order to qualify for the Early Registration amount. 

After that time, all registration amounts will have a $75 late fee added.

Payment Deadline/Information

The registration deadline for payment for the 2018-19 Season is August 1st, 2018.  Full payment of registration fees are due at this time.

Payment can be made online using a credit card, from your Hockey Canada account (at time of Registration ONLY).

Personal cheques or drafts (payable to "WMHA"),  can be dropped off at the Hockey Office at the Woolwich Memorial Centre, 24 Snyder Ave. S., Elmira.  

**NEW** a locked drop box has been installed outside of the Hockey Office (near the team mail slots). Please place your cheque in this drop box. 


You can mail your cheque or draft to: WMHA, PO Box 204, Elmira, ON N3B 0A0.

No cash will be accepted. 

PLEASE NOTE: WMHA reserves the right to restrict registration numbers for our Programs - please register by August 1st to secure your spot. 

Questions about registration? Please contact Tracey at the Hockey Office - [email protected] or by phone at 519-505-0627.

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