Brandon Nickel Memorial Scholarship - Apply Now!, News (Woolwich Minor Hockey)

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Mar 09, 2017 | Leanne Rollins | 1338 views
Brandon Nickel Memorial Scholarship - Apply Now!
In July 2013, Brandon Nickel lost his life in a car accident at the age of 20. Brandon enjoyed playing for Woolwich Minor Hockey for many years. He demonstrated strong teamwork, sportsmanship, and a love of hockey. A $500 scholarship fund has been established for one successful candidate who displays the same characteristics that Brandon demonstrated. Anyone wishing to apply for this scholarship must be registered with Woolwich Minor Hockey, be 13-17 years of age, and demonstrate a strong commitment to team, good sportsmanship, and great work ethic on the ice. Deadline for applications is April 7th. 

The scholarship fund may be used towards hockey-related expenses or post- secondary expenses.

The successful candidate will be chosen by the Nickel family after reviewing all of the applications. The successful candidate will be rewarded the scholarship in April 2017 by the Nickel Family during a meeting with other award/scholarship winners.

Applicants are required to submit:
  • A one page letter stating how they feel they demonstrate the required qualities (described above).
  • Two reference letters from either a coach, or a teacher, or a teammate stating why they believe the candidate should be awarded this scholarship.
For more information please contact:  Penny or Brad Nickel at (519-664-1415) Applications can be dropped off at the Woolwich Minor Hockey office in the Woolwich Memorial Centre.
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