Rep Team Tryouts will be held in May, News (Woolwich Minor Hockey)

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Mar 21, 2016 | Leanne Rollins | 1352 views
Rep Team Tryouts will be held in May
Tryout schedules will not be available for a few more weeks, but tryouts for Rep teams (up to Major Bantam), will commence in May. 

We have two items that you should note prior to tryouts:
1) A new tryout fee payment process
2) A vs. AA placements

1) New Tryout Fee Payment Process

New this year: WMHA is introducing a $35 Tryout fee that can be paid in advance on the HCR website when you register for the 2016-2017 season. If your child is trying out for a Rep team, ensure you select this option at time of registration. Note: the fee will be $40 if you pay at the first tryout instead. Registration opens APRIL 1st.

2) A/AA Team Placements

At the end of every season Woolwich Minor Hockey Association will tryout all teams at the A level.  After tryouts, coaches can apply to the executive to move their team back to AA if they were there the previous year.  The WMHA executive will review all of the key variables of the team’s prior season to determine where the team will be placed for next season. 
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