Aug 05, 2015 | Tracey Williams | 1480 views
Schedule for 2015 - 2016 Season
We are receiving many emails concerning our Schedule for the 2015-16 Season.
The 2015-16 Schedule process has been underway for many weeks and we are actively scheduling our Tryout Dates, Practices, Development and Game times.
As we are building our schedule for this Season, you will begin to notice that practice times and games will be popping up in the calendar on this webpage.
Please note: The schedule is a work in progress and is subject to change. You will see additions and deletions throughout the next few weeks, right up until the Season begins; and even after the Season is underway, there will be changes.
We thank you for your patience as we work through the scheduling process. Please refer back to our website for updates and news.
**Tracey Williams is our new Ice Scheduler, and you should direct all schedule-related questions to her at [email protected]. In general, special scheduling requests will not be accommodated but any requests, should be sent via a Coach or Manager.