Jan 03, 2014 | Timekeeper | 1571 views
Snyder and McLeod rinks fully operational on Saturday, January 4th
Good news everyone!
Thanks to ongoing efforts of staff and hard working
contractors we are pleased to let
you know that all games and practices scheduled on both McLeod and Snyder will proceed as planned tomorrow, Saturday January 4th.
Read more for additional information.
- Dan Snyder arena will be reopened tomorrow morning regular schedule.
- Jim McLeod arena will be reopened tomorrow morning regular schedule.
- Community Centre will be reopened tomorrow – fitness classes will remain cancelled through the day Monday with a decision to restart classes being made on Monday
- Fitness Centre will remain closed through the day Monday – still need to secure upper window space.
- Concession will be closed until further notice – machines are all out for cleaning and all stock needs to be reordered.
- Pool will be closed with a targeted reopening of next Saturday January 11th. Swim lessons scheduled to start Monday – Friday of this week will be delayed until next Monday January 13th – 17th. Registrants are being called today and tomorrow.