Wildcats Together for Mental Health, News (Woolwich Minor Hockey)

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Mar 26, 2024 | WMHA Diversity and Inclusion Committee | 406 views
Wildcats Together for Mental Health
Thank you for the teams who participated in our "Wildcats Together for Mental Health Campaign" U10A, U11A, U11BB, U12A, U13BB!

After voting the 1st Place team is U12 A winning $150 and the 2nd Place team is U11 BB winning $100.  Both teams will also be given $100 to donate to a local Mental Health Campaign.  

To view all the teams submissions; please click HERE

Please don't forget to mark in your calendars:

On Saturday May 25th, 2024 from 12:00pm-4:00pm, at EDSS our community is excited to have Hayley Wickenheiser (Olympic Gold Medalist) and Corey Hirch (Former NHL Goalie) join us in promoting Mental Health Awareness together.
This is a free event shining the spotlight on Mental Health in Woolwich and Wellesley townships with activities, games, silent auction and presentation with a Q & A.

Thank you again to all the teams that participated,

WMHA Diversity and Inclusion Committee

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