Nov 01, 2023 | WMHA | 452 views
Hockey Fights Cancer Campaign
Hockey Fights Cancer Campaign
As an association, it's important for our young athletes to actively engage in a meaningful cause that directly benefits those in our own community. This year, we're choosing to support the Canadian Cancer Society through our participation in the Hockey Fights Cancer Campaign for the months of November and December.
Some of you may not be aware that one of our very own families, Todd Roes, has been fighting a three year battle against terminal lung cancer. For the month of November, in honour of the Roes family, and the millions of Canadians fighting cancer, we are asking all teams to be taping our sticks in white and asking that every player wears a white cancer ribbon sticker on their helmets (ribbons will be provided). Please email Erin Roes at [email protected] for ribbon helmet stickers. This small gesture signifies our collective commitment to this vital cause and our solidarity with those confronting cancer's challenges.
Erin has launched a campaign using their son’s team (U12A) online, but as an association we can use this site to make our donations and join the roster with your own team to start raising funds. We're setting an ambitious goal, but we're confident with everyone's effort to share the link on social media with family, friends, co-workers and local businesses that we can achieve this goal together. Please encourage other Woolwich teams to join the campaign as well! Let's see what we can accomplish together!
You can find the donation page here: