Unconfirmed Address, News (Woolwich Minor Hockey)

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Sep 30, 2022 | Catherine Stiles | 707 views
Unconfirmed Address
This season the Hockey Canada Registry (HCR) has given members the access to update addresses in their HCR profiles.

When members are registering their players or registering as a Bench Staff/Volunteer, the HCR prompts you to confirm your address.

If you have updated an address on your player's or your HCR profile, the HCR profile is likely showing as *unconfirmed* status.

With the HCR profile being in *unconfirmed* status, those HCR *unconfirmed* profiles are not being approved on team rosters. 

Woolwich Hockey Association does not have the access to confirm the updated address. In order to update the status of the *unconfirmed* status, the OMHA needs to verify and confirm the address.

If you've received an email from the Hockey Office, please follow the provided instructions.

Please upload (under “Documents” in your HCR profile) or email the Hockey Office a copy of your DL or recent utility bill.

The OMHA can then confirm the address on the profile. 

If you have any questions please email the Hockey Office at [email protected]

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