Woolwich Arena Update, News (Woolwich Minor Hockey)

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Jan 29, 2022 | Mike Stiles | 12919 views
Woolwich Arena Update
The new Ontario regulations have just been released and it appears that Ontario will be moving back into Step 3 as of Monday January 31st.

We look forward to welcoming you back to our facilities but want to ensure that all of our participants and staff remain safe and healthy.

Just some further clarification for Monday now that the official regs are out (https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/200364#BK8)

Building capacities remain at 50% - we ask that you keep distanced wherever possible, and do not congregate in lobbies or hallways.  We would ask that spectators are limited to assist keeping number down.

Waterloo Region is considering dressing rooms as an extension of the field of play so there will not be capacity limits at this time.  However, we do ask that masks remain on except when on the ice and on the bench, physical distancing is occurring and that you keep player time in the dressing rooms to a minimum. 

Please ask players / spectators to refrain from bringing food / drink into our facilities.  Everyone must be seated if they are consuming food or drink per the regulations.

All visitors to our facilities will be required to provide proof of vaccination with
enhanced certificate with QR code along with ID.

Exemptions include: Children under 12 years old

Individuals with a medical exemption must show provincially issued QR code (doctors notes will no longer be accepted)

Visitors must continue to Covid pre-screen prior to entering – we encourage everyone to scan the QR codes at entrances and show their green check mark along with vaccination information.

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