Update: Woolwich Arena Safety Information, News (Woolwich Minor Hockey)

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Sep 23, 2021 | Mike Stiles | 1018 views
Update: Woolwich Arena Safety Information
The Township will be allowing access to dressing rooms 30 minutes prior to ice times. 

Coaches are still required to follow the “key for key” procedure for dressing rooms.

To speed up entry to the arena's...

Please scan the below QR code, it will take your name and phone number, track the updated government screening questions and generate a checkmark with you name that can be shown upon entry along with your proof of vaccination/exemption.

You will still be able to sign-in using the physical sign-in sheet.

Lastly, you will also be required for WMHA contract tracing to sign-in using the SportsHeadz App (iOS / Android), SportsHeadz Web Site or sign-in sheet with your coaching staff.

QR Code URL https://qr.groundlevelinsights.com/qrForm/template/3914
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